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【萬泰科捐贈「銀銅鈦好呼吸口罩」 助桃園市教育局校園防疫再升級!】

疫情未了! Omicron來勢洶洶! 萬泰科技協助提升校園防疫工作,捐贈96000片銀銅鈦好呼吸口罩予桃園市教育局,希望師生都能在更安心的環境下教與學。桃園市的大家長鄭文燦市長也親自授與萬泰科技董事長張銘烈先生感謝狀。疫情未了,防疫不鬆懈。



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萬泰集團「ACT好呼吸口罩」前進寶雅全省通路啦! 即日起民眾可以直接前往全省寶雅各大門市購買「ACT好呼吸口罩」,口罩材料採用獨家新型專利銀銅鈦奈米濺鍍技術,濾菌效果達99%以上,其中口罩內層採用的頂級熔噴布更舒適、透氣,除了給您全面性的防護,更能成為您日常生活中出門必戴的防疫神器。


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【萬泰集團逾3萬片ACT好呼吸口罩 助2021臺北馬拉松活動安心舉辦】


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【銀銅鈦濺鍍材質可廣泛用於醫療防護品 降低院內感染】



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【銀銅鈦濺鍍纖維大躍進 滅活病毒測試令人振奮】



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【萬泰ACT銀銅鈦濺鍍技術 防疫新利器】


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Wonderful Hi-Tech donated 10,000 pieces of technology masks to pray for Mazu’s protection

At the time when the Baishatun Gong Tian Temple's Mazu Pilgrimage was in full swing, Wonderful Hi-Tech thought that many medical staffs would stick to the front line of epidemic prevention due to the current situation, and patients who were hospitalized due to illness could not participate in the activity. Therefore, Wonderful Hi-Tech will be giving 10,000 pieces of the exclusive patented product, Wonderful ACT sputtering medical masks when the Baishatun Mazu Pilgrimage group arrives in Beigang to pray that the hospital's doctors, nurses, and patients will be blessed by Mazu.

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Wonderful Hi-Tech, Gong Tian Temple and Legislator, Chen Chao-Ming, donated 100,000 pieces of ACT sputtering masks to the Ministry of the Interior 

Wonderful Hi-Tech, Gong Tian Temple and Legislator, Chen Chao-Ming, donated 100,000 pieces of ACT sputtering masks to the Ministry of the Interior. Also, a donation ceremony was held at Gong Tian Temple in Baishatun, Miaoli, and received on behalf of the Minister of the Interior, Hsu Kuo-Yung.

The mask is made of ACT sputtering materials, an exclusive patent of Wonderful Hi-Tech. It can not only block bacteria and viruses, but the antibacterial rate of the inner and outer materials of the mask has reached 99%, so that the mask will not smell bad after a long period of time.  

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2021 Baishatun Mazu Pilgrimage 

The epidemic is severe, epidemic prevention is regarded as combat, so that folk beliefs are a pathway for people to seek inner comfort. Wonderful Hi-Tech fulfills its social responsibilities, contributes to epidemic prevention, and continues to devote itself to the development of more epidemic prevention daily necessities.

This time, Wonderful Hi-Tech actively assisted Gong Tian Temple to strengthen the epidemic prevention work and announced a donation of 500,000 ACT masks before Baishatun Mazu ritual of incense-offering. We also called on employees to distribute masks during the pilgrimage, hoping that everything goes smoothly and safely.

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